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Showing Desktop Icons in GNOME 44



It is important to note that the following writeup has been found to be entirely copied from a website and is being kept here solely for archival purposes.

  1. Install nemo from your distribution's repositories. On Arch, enter this command on the Terminal application:

    sudo pacman -S nemo
  2. Open a text editor and copy the following text into a new empty file:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Start Nemo desktop at log in
    AutostartCondition=GSettings org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons
  3. Save the text file as ~/.config/autostart/nemo-autostart-with-gnome.desktop

  4. Optional step: In case you want Nemo to behave more similarly to nautilus desktop layout, you can enable the setting running this command on the terminal:

    gsettings set org.nemo.desktop use-desktop-grid false

Voila! And that's it! Next time you log in, nemo will automatically display icons over the desktop background. If you don't want to log out, you can also manually start it using the Alt+F2 prompt to run nemo-desktop

Poor VSCode loading time on Windows

Just add VScode executable code.exe to your antivirus exception list and see if it works!

mysql connector issues with mariadb

Date : 11 July, 2023

Springboot and probably other systems are failing issues connecting to mariadb on latest releases.

Issues is attributed with recent mariadb-11.X update that caused mysql-connector to break attributed to tx_isolation after MySQL 8.0 update.

To fix that :

  1. Install downgrade from AUR (for Arch based systems).

    yay -S downgrade
  2. Downgrade mariadb to 10.10.3. You can add these package to IGNORE by choosing them on prompt while downgrading.

    systemctl stop mariadb
    sudo pacman -Rs mariadb
    sudo downgrade "mariadb-libs=10.10.3" "mariadb-clients=10.10.3" "mariadb=10.10.3"
    sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb
  3. Check if mariadb is working or not. Use old password for same.

    mariadb -u root -p
  4. If that doesn't work, reset the configuration


    Data loss!

    sudo bash
    systemctl stop mariadb
    rm /var/lib/mysql
    mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
    mariadb -u root -p
    MariaDB [mysql]> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password'; # new_password is your new sql password
    sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb
  5. Alternatively, you can reset your mysql password

    i) Stop mariadb.service.

    ii) Start the MariaDB server with safety features:

    sudo bash
    mariadbd-safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &

    iii) Connect to it:

    mariadb -u root

    iv) Change root password:

    MariaDB [mysql]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    MariaDB [mysql]> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';
    MariaDB [mysql]> exit

    v) Kill running mariadbd* processes:

    kill $(cat /var/lib/mysql/$

    vi) Start mariadb.service.

Window Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Common Troubleshooting Steps

Fixing common installation issues with WSL for Windows 11 (and also Windows 10) users.

  1. ERROR : Failed to attack disk........vhdx'


    wsl --unregister ubuntu
    wsl --install
  2. ERROR : WslRegistrationDistribution failed with error...........WSL2 requires an update to its kernel component


    Download this and install WSL Kernel Component, then restart your PC and then again open Powershell and run WSL, it might work now!

  3. ERROR : Failed to fetch distribution list from


    A connection with server failed to established


    Download and install Warp, alternatively you can set your Preferred DNS Address to in IP settings.

    It might also be related to disabled windows features, so do check that out too.

  4. General Errors : Disabled Windows Features


    i) Open Turn Windows features on or off (Use Windows Search for finding it)

    ii) Ensure Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Subsystem for Linux box is checked

    iii) Restart and again try installing WSL

  5. ERROR : Distribution is not installed.......


    Run wsl --install --d Ubuntu in powershell and wait.

  6. ERROR : Invalid Username on registration


    Username can't contain spaces or capital letters (alternatively you can use dashes etc).


Remember the login password

logseq and git


For some reasons, logseq + git doesn't work the same as it should with flatpak

For logseq installed using system package, to push a commit using ssh in arch linux

  1. Make sure you have the necessary git plugins installed in logseq from plugin marketplace.

  2. If you're using ssh for git, you might be getting errors like ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/bin/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory. For resolving those, a workaround is to install ksshaskpass and symlink /usr/bin/ssh-askpass to ksshaskpass.

    sudo pacman -S ksshaskpass
    sudo ln -s $(which ksshaskpass) /usr/bin/ssh-askpass

Next.js 13 crashing the entire PC on Linux

systemd-run --scope -p MemoryLimit=1500M npm run dev

DPI issues in PDFs/while taking screenshots when using Firefox RTF (resistfingerprinting)

Text is generally fuzzy on high DPI displays on firefox due to DPI set to 1 due to RTF. This behaviour is also suplemented in firefox screenshot which has been reportedly not working the same as expected(overcropped edges) due to that, requiring you to manually scale the display for complete shoot.

  1. Switch from privacy.resistfingerprinting to privacy.fingerprintingProtection.
  2. Set privacy.fingerprintingProtection.overrides to +AllTargets,-WindowDevicePixelRatio,-CSSPrefersColorScheme. CSSPrefersColorScheme is optional, and you can ignore that by the way.